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Cara record zoom di pc

Cara record zoom di pc

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Cara record zoom di pc. Cara Mengatur Streaming Zoom Meeting ke YouTube Live 

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Feb 17,  · Cara Record Zoom di Laptop. Install aplikasi Zoom dari situs resminya; Login dengan akun Zoom yang kamu miliki; Gabung ke room yang telah tersedia atau membuat room baru Setelah memasuki room percakapan di Zoom, tekan tombol Record di bagian bawah; Selanjutnya tombol Pause/Stop Recording akan muncul dan percakapan meeting yang . Mar 01,  · Jika ingin mengaturnya, buka menu "Pengaturan" (Ikon gear) di halaman utama Zoom, lalu klik "Recording" dan ubah lokasi penyimpanan: Pastikan layar ada di video group call. Klik "Record" di menu Zoom Meeting. Klik "Pause/Stop Recording" di bagian bawah. Tunggu proses merekam Zoom di laptop tersimpan. File akan tersimpan di drive yang sudah . Aug 06,  · Biasanya, file video tersebut dapat ditemukan di folder C:\Users (Username-PC)\Documents\Zoom\. Anda juga dapat mengatur lokasi penyimpanan video Zoom. Caranya, buka aplikasi Zoom dan pilih opsi Settings > Recording. Kemudian ganti lokasi penyimpanan video rekaman Zoom sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.    


How-To: Recording, Saving, and Sharing Zoom Meetings - Miami University.


During playback, viewers will see a brief "no camera" icon while the host is out of the main room. It is currently not possible to record a breakout room to the cloud. Zoom is aware of the issue, and is working to implement this feature. This is document arwb in the Knowledge Base.

Last modified on Zoom can be accessed both through your web browser and through the Zoom app that you download to your computer or device. If you want to be able to save recordings of your Zoom meetings locally to your computer, you must use the Zoom desktop app. Both versions of Zoom can save recordings virtually to the Cloud.

When prompted, log in to Zoom using your Miami email address and password. Need guidance getting started with Zoom meetings? Learn how to schedule, start, and share Zoom meetings in Canvas first. As the host of a Zoom meeting, you have the ability to record your meeting and save that recording either to your computer or to the Cloud.

Tekno Tutorial. June 4, Isi Konten. Tampilan Login dari Portal Zoom. YouTube Studio Live Streaming. Share this article. Recent posts. April 6, Setau saya harus host, tapi mungkin bisa dicoba dulu,.. Makasih Mas. Mau tanya kalau Co-host yang melakukan operator live streamingnya atau hanya Host? Maaf mas, apakah boleh melalui media sosial saja supaya bisa lebih mudah?

Terima kasih. Saya juga belum sempat eksplor ulang.. Once you have started a screen recording, touch the microphone icon and ensure that it is displayed as. Then your voice can be recorded as well. If the microphone is disabled i. All of that sensitive business information inside your meeting recordings still has to be secured, too.

Zoom does allow you to restrict sharing only to users within your organization, but you may not want everyone to have viewing permissions enabled for some meeting recordings. While Zoom does offer private cloud hosting and password-protected sharing features to paid subscribers, administrator controls over cloud recordings are limited, which introduces enough room for user error to create a sizable security risk when it comes to sensitive meeting recording assets.

Here are 3 ways your Zoom videos could end up exposed online:. Zoom is a great tool for holding and recording meetings. But most organizations need additional support for managing and sharing on-demand video recordings.

And when integrated with Zoom , you have a complete, secure, and scalable solution for video collaboration and productivity. Moreover, with Panopto there are no limits on how long your videos will be stored or how many videos you can upload to your library.


How to Record Zoom with OBS - Terpopuler

  Free Zoom accounts will only have the ability to record to a local computer, while paid Zoom subscriptions will have cloud recording. Untuk langkah mengaktifkan fitur ini sebenarnya mirip dengan langkah mengaktifkan untuk Meetings. Berikut caranya: Silakan masuk ke akun Zoom lewat portal web. For more about recording Zoom meetings without breakout rooms, Keep in mind that local recordings are stored on the computer that.    


Cara Mengatur Streaming Zoom Meeting ke YouTube Live - - Welcome First People


Untuk langkah mengaktifkan fitur ini sebenarnya mirip dengan langkah mengaktifkan untuk Meetings. Berikut caranya:. Jika pengaturan di langkah pertama dan kedua sudah selesai dilakukan, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah mencoba untuk memulai Live Streaming ke Kanal YouTube. Berdasarkan pengalaman yang maskris lakukan, ada dua cara yang bisa dipilih yaitu dengan cara langsung Live YouTube atau dengan Custom Live Streaming. Untuk cara pertama yang bisa dilakukan adalah melakukan streaming langsung dengan cara melakukan Broadcast Zoom Meeting ke YouTube Live.

Cara ini sangat mudah dan cukup efektif dilakukan jika acara yang dilakukan langsung tanpa adanya schedule terlebih dahulu. Lanjutkan dengan Klik Live on YouTube. Lanjutkan dengan login ke akun YouTube yang akan kita gunakan untuk live streaming.

Setelah memasukkan akun YouTube, maka nanti akan diperlukan autentifikasi akun dan muncul tampilan halaman seperti ini. Jika sudah mulailah jalankan live streaming di YouTube dengan menekan tombol Go Live! Bagi maskris, cara ini merupakan cara yang paling sering maskris gunakan karena kita sangat dimungkinkan untuk melakukan penjadwalan atau memberikan notifikasi kepada para calon peserta lewat akun YouTube yang akan kita gunakan nantinya.

Nah, untuk cara melakukan konfigurasinya memang agak sedikit rumit jika dibandingkan cara sebelumnya. Namun tetap mudah kok. Masuk ke kanal YouTube yang akan kita gunakan untuk Live Streaming. Jika acara sudah berhasil dibuat, kita akan diarahkan YouTube Studio dengan tampilan seperti gambar di bawah. Jika fitur Live Streaming di YouTube belum bisa digunakan, silakan aktifkan terlebih dahulu pada bagian pengaturan Features seperti tampilan berikut:.

Nah, itu sedikit pengalaman dan cara mengatur streaming Zoom Meeting ke YouTube Live yang maskris lakukan. Semoga bisa membantu dan bermanfaat ya. Kalau ada pertanyaan boleh lho ditanyakan lewat kolom komentar.

Makasih makris, apa bisa pakai HP. Misalnya saya live yutub saya untuk acara Webinar teman, apa bisa. Mas mau tanya, kan yg live on custom itu harusnya nengcopy 3 link yang dari youtube itu ya.. Maaf saya beru pertama kali akan melakukan live youtube dari zoom. Bisa pakai Web cam saja kalau hanya lewat laptop yang kita gunakan.. Namun kalau kita menggunakan software tambahan seperti OBS atau VMIX yang memerlukan kamera external, bisa dipilih yang aplikasi tambahan.

Maksudnya balapan bagaimana ya? Karena pada dasarnya ada selisih waktu sekitar 10 — 30 detik antara zoom dan youtube saat kita lakukan live streaming. Jika tidak mau balapan, biasanya saya mute suara di youtube saat menggunakan fitur live streaming zoom. Mas, saya tadi coba Live on Custom Live Streaming untuk meeting pertama. Saat saya ingin livestreaming di meeting ke 2 kenapa tiba tiba langsung ke start ya? Silakan cek di bagian saat menjadwalkan live streaming youtubenya juga..

Hallo kak, saya sudah bertanya diatas saya, tetapi saya kurang mengerti. Apakah saya boleh bertanya melalui sosmed saja supaya bisa lebih mudah? Mas mau tanya, saya akan melaukan live streaming tapi pakai akun zoom kampus, apa bisa saya di jadikan host langsung dari akun zoom kampus untuk menyambungkan ke youtube saya?

Maskris mau tanya nih, sy sdh sering connect youtube ke zoom tp terakhir ini ketika sy sdh buat jadwal di youtube trus waktu sy mau custom di zoom dia lgs masuk ke zoom bukan diarahkan ke posisi pengisian link nya ya, jadi tdk nyambung antara link youtube yg sy buat dgn zoom, kenapa ya mas.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Enter your search query If you chose to save your recording to the Zoom Cloud, you can access your recordings through the desktop app, as described for local recordings above. Alternatively, you can also access cloud recordings through Canvas:. You will also get an email from Zoom letting you know when your recording is available in the cloud. This email will contain a link that takes you directly to the recording in the Zoom cloud within your Zoom account page, as well as a link and password that you can use to share the recording with others.

The easiest way to share recordings with your students is by saving the recordings to the Zoom Cloud and sharing the links anywhere in your Canvas course site , such as in an Announcement or on a Page. If you saved your recording files to your computers, we recommend uploading them to a third party or cloud storage app such as Google Drive, Kaltura, or Youtube, then embedding or sharing the link to the video with your students in your Canvas course site.

This will help save file storage in your course. To learn more about recording Zoom meetings and finding your recordings in the Zoom desktop app, take a look at this quick video:. You may also be interested in:. If at any point you would like support or guidance while you are teaching a distance learning course, please connect with us!

We are here to help. By: Gracia Ostendorf How-To: Recording, Saving, and Sharing Zoom Meetings Zoom is a video conferencing tool that you can use to hold virtual meetings and class sessions with your students. Downloading the Zoom Desktop App Zoom can be accessed both through your web browser and through the Zoom app that you download to your computer or device. Recording Zoom Meetings As the host of a Zoom meeting, you have the ability to record your meeting and save that recording either to your computer or to the Cloud.

Where should I save my recordings? When you start your meeting, Zoom should automatically start recording your meeting. Click on the name of your meeting to open a new page, where you can download or share the full video meeting recording, or just the audio recording.

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