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How to install zoom in ubuntu 14.04 using terminal - how to install zoom in ubuntu 14.04 using termi -

How to install zoom in ubuntu 14.04 using terminal - how to install zoom in ubuntu 14.04 using termi -

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Please note that we also wrap a rate function on each side of the operation to only consider the delay of requests that occurred in the last 5 minutes. Download : Konsole Free. It may be possible to avoid this by specifying an invariant link as the path when configuring. Next: Building R.    


How to install zoom in ubuntu 14.04 using terminal - how to install zoom in ubuntu 14.04 using termi.How to Install Zoom on Ubuntu [Beginner’s Tip]


Zoom works perfectly on Linux and supports variants of Linux distros. Here I will show you the simplest way to install the Zoom client on Ubuntu.

Zoom is a popular video conferencing software available for multiple operating systems, including Linux. It has become a go-to software for hosting webinars, creating conference rooms, and organizing online meetings. Installing Zoom on Linux is as easy as installing it on Windows. Using the method described below, you can install the latest up-to-date version of the Zoom application on your Ubuntu system in just a few minutes.

Because Zoom is not an open-source application, it is not included in the Ubuntu repositories. Therefore we need to download the installation. We have the file now. Navigate to your downloads directory, find the Zoom package, and double-click on it.

The file should be opened in the Software app, and you can install it from there. Click the Install button to begin the installation. The progress bar lets you know when Zoom has finished installing on your Ubuntu system.

Once installed, Zoom can be launched from the Activities menu. Zoom will start. You can create a new account or log in to an existing one. Then, Zoom is set to go. This is the simplest and most recommended method for most users for installing Zoom on Ubuntu. I believe this guide gave you clear guidelines on installing and getting started with Zoom on your Ubuntu system.

Add Comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post Comment. Install Zoom on Ubuntu Using the method described below, you can install the latest up-to-date version of the Zoom application on your Ubuntu system in just a few minutes.

Download the Zoom App Because Zoom is not an open-source application, it is not included in the Ubuntu repositories. You are most likely running a bit system. So under the OS Architecture, choose 64 bit. For version, pick Hit the Download button to start downloading the Zoom installation file.

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How to install zoom in ubuntu 14.04 using terminal - how to install zoom in ubuntu 14.04 using termi

  Unfortunately it is built by default as a static library that on some platforms may not be able to be used with shared objects such as are used in R packages. The R sources contain reference Fortran implementations of these, but they can be replaced by external libraries, usually those tuned for speed on specific CPUs. How to install opencv3. See Building R and packages for more details. The setarch command is only operational if both bit and bit builds are installed. GNU libtool cannot be used yet , as it currently does not fully support Fortran: one would need a shell wrapper for this. If you want an import library libRmath.    


How to Install ZOOM on Ubuntu - buildVirtual.bash - Terminal Command to Zoom - Ask Ubuntu


On R builds using binary packages, the default is type both : this looks first at the list of binary packages available for your version of R and installs the latest versions if any. Note that most binary packages which include compiled code are tied to a particular series e. Installing source packages which do not contain compiled code should work with no additional tools. Package rJava and those which depend on it need a Java runtime installed and several packages need X11 installed, including those using Tk.

See macOS and Java. A few of the binary packages need other software to be installed on your system. If that clang build supports OpenMP, you can add. It will also be necessary to arrange for the libomp. Apple includes many Open Source libraries in macOS but increasingly without the corresponding headers not even in Xcode nor the Command Line Tools : they are often rather old versions. Apple has changed the default to make implicit declarations a compilation error something seen in no other compiler and understandably authors of packages and external software have been unaware that this might be done — most issues seen were in configure scripts.

Some care may be needed with selecting compilers when installing external software for use with packages. For consistency one can use. One can use. Note that this mechanism can also be used when it necessary to change the optimization level whilst installing a particular package. For example. Another use is to override the settings in a binary installation of R. For example, to use a different Fortran compiler on macOS. There is also provision for a site-wide Makevars.

Fortunately such packages are unusual. When installing packages from their sources, there are some extra considerations on installations which use sub-architectures. These are commonly used on Windows but can in principle be used on other platforms. When a source package is installed by a build of R which supports multiple sub-architectures, the normal installation process installs the packages for all sub-architectures. The exceptions are. In those cases only the current architecture is installed.

Further sub-architectures can be installed by. Some R packages contain compiled code which links to external software libraries. Unless the external library is statically linked which is done as much as possible for binary packages on Windows and macOS , the libraries have to be found when the package is loaded and not just when it is installed.

How this should be done depends on the OS and in some cases the version. For Unix-alikes except macOS the primary mechanism is the ld. Standard library locations will be covered by the cache, and well-designed software will add its locations as for example openmpi does on Fedora. On macOS the primary mechanism is to embed the absolute path to dependent dynamic libraries into an object when it is compiled.

Running R CMD otool -L on the package shared object will show where if anywhere its dependencies are resolved. The danger with any of the methods which involve setting environment variables is of inadvertently masking a system library. The command update. It downloads the list of available packages and their current versions, compares it with those installed and offers to fetch and install any that have later versions on the repositories.

An alternative interface to keeping packages up-to-date is provided by the command packageStatus , which returns an object with information on all installed packages and packages available at multiple repositories. The print and summary methods give an overview of installed and available packages, the upgrade method offers to fetch and install the latest versions of outdated packages. One sometimes-useful additional piece of information that packageStatus returns is the status of a package, as "ok" , "upgrade" or "unavailable" in the currently selected repositories.

Utilities such as install. Under that base URL there should be directory trees for one or more of the following types of package distributions:.

If you have a mis-configured server that does not report correctly non-existent files you may need these files. To add your repository to the list offered by setRepositories , see the help file for that function. Incomplete repositories are better specified via a contriburl argument than via being set as a repository. It can be convenient to run R CMD check on an installed package, particularly on a platform which uses sub-architectures.

The outline of how to do this is, with the source package in directory pkg or a tarball filename :. Where sub-architectures are in use the R CMD check line can be repeated with additional architectures by.

If multiple sub-architectures fail only because they need different settings, e. So on Windows to install, check and package for distribution a source package from a tarball which has been tested on another platform one might use. Internationalization refers to the process of enabling support for many human languages, and localization to adapting to a specific country and language.

Current builds of R support all the character sets that the underlying OS can handle. These are interpreted according to the current locale , a sufficiently complicated topic to merit a separate section.

Note though that R has no built-in support for right-to-left languages and bidirectional output, relying on the OS services. For example, how character vectors in UTF-8 containing both English digits and Hebrew characters are printed is OS-dependent and perhaps locale-dependent.

The other aspect of the internationalization is support for the translation of messages. This is enabled in almost all builds of R. A locale is a description of the local environment of the user, including the preferred language, the encoding of characters, the currency used and its conventions, and so on. Aspects of the locale are accessed by the R functions Sys. The system of naming locales is OS-specific. There is quite wide agreement on schemes, but not on the details of their implementation.

A locale needs to specify. R is principally concerned with the first for translations and third. Note that the charset may be deducible from the language, as some OSes offer only one charset per language.

See man locale and locale -a for more details. Windows also uses locales, but specified in a rather less concise way. For example, chinese is Traditional Chinese and not Simplified Chinese as used in most of the Chinese-speaking world. Internally macOS uses a form similar to Linux: the main difference from other Unix-alikes is that where a character set is not specified it is assumed to be UTF The preferred language for messages is by default taken from the locale.

The last three are normally used to set the locale and so should not be needed, but the first is only used to select the language for messages.

It is usually possible to change the language once R is running via not Windows Sys. But this is OS-specific, and has been known to stop working on an OS upgrade. Note that translated messages may be cached, so attempting to change the language of an error that has already been output in another language may not work. Messages are divided into domains , and translations may be available for some or all messages in a domain. R makes use of the following domains.

Dividing up the messages in this way allows R to be extensible: as packages are loaded, their message translation catalogues can be loaded too. R-level and C-level domains are subtly different, for example in the way strings are canonicalized before being passed for translation.

However, if a specific translation catalogue exists but does not contain a translation, the less specific catalogues are consulted. Translations in the right language but the wrong charset are made use of by on-the-fly re-encoding.

Almost all current CPU s have both and bit sets of instructions. For most a bit version is the default, but for some e. The principal difference is in the size of the pointers.

R allocates memory for large objects as needed, and removes any unused ones at garbage collection. When the sizes of objects become an appreciable fraction of the address limit, fragmentation of the address space becomes an issue and there may be no hole available that is the size requested. This can cause more frequent garbage collection or the inability to allocate large objects. So, for speed you may want to use a bit build especially on a laptop , but to handle large datasets and perhaps large files a bit build.

You can often build both and install them in the same place: See Sub-architectures. This is done for the Windows binary distributions. Even on bit builds of R there are limits on the size of R objects see help "Memory-limits" , some of which stem from the use of bit integers especially in Fortran code.

The routines supporting the distribution and special 45 functions in R and a few others are declared in C header file Rmath. These can be compiled into a standalone library for linking to other applications. Note that they are not a separate library when R is built, and the standalone version differs in several ways.

A little care is needed to use the random-number routines. You will need to supply the uniform random number generator.

This takes values from the enumeration type. If R has not already been made in the directory tree, configure must be run as described in the main build instructions. The example file test. Note that you will probably not be able to run it unless you add the directory containing libRmath.

You need to set up 46 almost all the tools to make R and then run in a Unix-like shell. This creates a static library libRmath. If you want an import library libRmath. This will use the first found of libRmath. You should be able to force static or dynamic linking via. It is possible to link to Rmath. Auto-import will probably work with MinGW-w64, but it is better to be sure. This appendix gives details of programs you will need to build R on Unix-like platforms, or which will be used by R if found by configure.

Next: Useful libraries and programs , Previous: Essential and useful other programs under a Unix-alike , Up: Essential and useful other programs under a Unix-alike [ Contents ][ Index ]. You need a means of compiling C and Fortran 90 see Using Fortran. For versions of gcc prior to 5. Note that options essential to run the compiler even for linking, such as those to set the architecture, should be specified as part of CC rather than in CFLAGS.

The command-line editing and command completion depends on the GNU readline library including its headers : version 6. A suitably comprehensive iconv function is essential. The OS needs to have enough support 52 for wide-character types: this is checked at configuration. Some C99 functions 53 are required and checked for at configuration.

Installations of zlib version 1. Either PCRE1 version 8. Only the 8-bit library and headers are needed if these are packaged separately. JIT support optional is desirable for the best performance. Library libcurl version 7.

Information on libcurl is found from the curl-config script: if that is missing or needs to be overridden 58 there are macros to do so described in file config. A tar program is needed to unpack the sources and packages including the recommended packages. A version 59 that can automagically detect compressed archives is preferred for use with untar : the configure script looks for gtar and gnutar before tar — use environment variable TAR to override this.

You will not be able to build most of the manuals unless you have texi2any version 5. To make PDF versions of the manuals you will also need file texinfo. If you want to build from the R Subversion repository then texi2any is highly recommended as it is used to create files which are in the tarball but not stored in the Subversion repository. Building PDF package manuals including the R reference manual and vignettes is sensitive to the version of the LaTeX package hyperref and we recommend that the TeX distribution used is kept up-to-date.

Note that package hyperref currently requires packages kvoptions , ltxcmds and refcount. The essential programs should be in your PATH at the time configure is run: this will capture the full paths. The liblzma library is in the public domain and X11, libbzip2 , libcurl and zlib have MIT-style licences.

The ability to use translated messages makes use of gettext and most likely needs GNU gettext : you do need this to work with new translations, but otherwise the version of the gettext runtime contained in the R sources will be used if no suitable external gettext is found. Cairo version 1. These tests will fail if pkg-config is not installed 61 , and might fail if cairo was built statically unless configure option --with-static-cairo is used. Pango is optional but highly desirable as it is likely to give much better text rendering, including kerning.

For the best font experience with these devices you need suitable fonts installed: Linux users will want the urw-fonts package. On platforms which have it available, the msttcorefonts package 62 provides TrueType versions of Monotype fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman.

See the R help on X11 on selecting such fonts. The bitmapped graphics devices jpeg , png and tiff need the appropriate headers and libraries installed: jpeg version 6b or later, or libjpeg-turbo or libpng version 1.

They also need support for either X11 or cairo see above. Should support for these devices not be required or broken system libraries need to be avoided there are configure options --without-libpng , --without-jpeglib and --without-libtiff.

The TIFF library has many optional features such as jpeg , libz , zstd , lzma , webp , jbig and jpeg12 , none of which is required for the tiff devices but may need to be present to link the library usually only an issue for static linking. Option --with-system-tre is also available: it needs a recent version of TRE. An implementation of XDR is required, and the R sources contain one which is likely to suffice although a system version may have higher performance. Use of the X11 clipboard selection requires the Xmu headers and libraries.

These are normally part of an X11 installation e. Some systems notably macOS and at least some FreeBSD systems have inadequate support for collation in multibyte locales. It will be used by default where available: should a very old or broken version of ICU be found this can be suppressed by --without-ICU. At the time of writing a full installation on Fedora Linux used the following packages and their development versions, and this may provide a useful checklist for other systems:.

Note that the tk. The build process looks for Java support on the host system, and if it finds it sets some settings which are useful for Java-using packages such as rJava and JavaGD : these require a full JDK. This check can be suppressed by configure option --disable-java. See R CMD javareconf --help for details: note that this needs to be done by the account owning the R installation. Renviron , which suffices to run already-installed Java-using packages.

It may be possible to avoid this by specifying an invariant link as the path when configuring. For example, on that system any of. However, Linux distributions can be confusing: for example Fedora 34 had. For source files with extension. Note that it is detected by the name of the command without a test that it can actually compile Fortran 90 code. Previous: Useful libraries and programs , Up: Essential and useful other programs under a Unix-alike [ Contents ][ Index ].

The R sources contain reference Fortran implementations of these, but they can be replaced by external libraries, usually those tuned for speed on specific CPUs. Note that the alternative implementations will not give identical numeric results.

Some differences may be benign such the signs of SVDs and eigenvectors , but the optimized routines can be less accurate and particularly for LAPACK can be from older versions with fewer corrections. Some of the external libraries are multi-threaded. On a machine running other tasks, there can be contention for CPU caches that reduces the effectiveness of the optimization of cache use by a BLAS implementation: some people warn that this is especially problematic for hyperthreaded CPUs.

The reference implementations are thread-safe but external ones may not be even single-threaded ones : this can lead to hard-to-track-down incorrect results or segfaults. You can specify a particular BLAS library via a value for the configuration option --with-blas. If neither the option nor the environment variable supply a value, a search is made for a suitable 67 BLAS.

The configure code checks that the external BLAS is complete it must include all double precision and double complex routines, as well as LSAME , and appears to be usable. However, an external BLAS has to be usable from a shared object so must contain position-independent code , and that is not checked. The correct incantation for these is often found via --with-blas with no value on the appropriate platforms.

So if R is re-built to use an enhanced BLAS then packages such as quantreg will need to be re-installed. This can be controlled from a running R session by package flexiblas.

Unfortunately it is built by default as a static library that on some platforms may not be able to be used with shared objects such as are used in R packages. Such builds can be used by one of. Consult its installation guide 70 for how to build ATLAS as a shared library or as a static library with position-independent code on platforms where that matters. For the Fedora libraries the compile-time flag specifies 4 threads.

This has in Fedora shared libraries. You are encouraged to read the documentation which is installed with the library before attempting to link to MKL. There are also versions of MKL for macOS 74 and Windows, but when these have been tried they did not work with the default compilers used for R on those platforms. The MKL interface has changed several times but has been stable in recent years: the following examples have been used with versions With bit builds and the GCC compilers, we used.

R does not have to be rebuilt to use MKL, but configure include tests which may discover some errors such as a failure to set the correct OpenMP and MKL interface layer. For example, just. A similar link works for most versions of the OpenBLAS provided the appropriate lib directory is in the run-time library path or ld.

Note that rebuilding or symlinking libRblas. This can only be done if --with-blas has been used. However, the likely performance gains are thought to be small and may be negative. You can specify a specific LAPACK library or a search for a generic library by the configuration option --with-lapack without a value.

Please bear in mind that using --with-lapack is provided only because it is necessary on some platforms and because some users want to experiment with claimed performance improvements. In practice its main uses are without a value,. As with all libraries, you need to ensure that they and R were compiled with compatible compilers and flags.

For example, this has meant that on Sun Sparc using the Oracle compilers the flag -dalign is needed if sunperf is to be used. This has been largely circumvented by using the Fortran flag -fno-optimize-sibling-calls currently set by configure if it detects gfortran 7 or later.

This is fixed in the R 3. The bug was corrected in 3. Probably the most important ones not covered elsewhere are defaults in brackets. You will want to use --disable-R-profiling if you are building a profiled executable of R e.

Flag --enable-R-shlib causes the make process to build R as a dynamic shared library, typically called libR. This can only be done if all the code including system libraries can be compiled into a dynamic library, and there may be a performance 75 penalty.

So you probably only want this if you will be using an application which embeds R. Note that C code in packages installed on an R system linked with --enable-R-shlib is linked against the dynamic library and so such packages cannot be used from an R system built in the default way. Also, because packages are linked against R they are on some OSes also linked against the dynamic libraries R itself is linked against, and this can lead to symbol conflicts.

For maximally effective use of valgrind , R should be compiled with valgrind instrumentation. Guake also allows you to configure keyboard shortcuts for various operations.

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It allows you to effortlessly work with command-line applications and the GPU accelerated rendering makes it fast. How to query Prometheus on Ubuntu Introduction Prometheus is an open source monitoring system and time series database. Preparation To follow this tutorial, you need: An Ubuntu Step 1-Install Prometheus In this step, we will download, configure and run the Prometheus server to scrape three not yet running demo service instances.

Use nohup and start Prometheus as a background process: nohup. The State column of all three targets should show the status of the target as DOWN, because the demo instance has not been started, so it cannot be deleted: Step 2-Install the demo example In this section, we will install and run three demo service instances.

It should look like this: As you can see, there are two tabs: Graph and Console. Prometheus allows you to query data in two different modes: The " Console" tab allows you to evaluate the query expression at the current time. After running the query, the table will display the current value of each result time series one table row per output series.

The " Graph" tab allows you to draw query expressions within a specified time range. Step 4-Perform a simple time series query Before we start the query, let's quickly review the Prometheus data model and terminology. The output should look like this: The values displayed in the column on the right are the current values of each time series.

The resulting time series will be a mixture of series with different metric names: You now know how to select a time series based on the combination of its metric name and their label values. Step 5-Calculate interest rates and other derivatives In this section, we will learn how to calculate the rate or increment of a metric.

With irate , the above chart looks like this, with short intermittent drops in the request rate: rate and irate always calculate the rate per second. Step 6-Aggregate Time Series In this section, we will learn how to aggregate a single series. Prometheus supports the following aggregation operators, each of which supports a by or without clause to select the dimensions to keep: sum : Summarize all values in the aggregation group.

Step 7-Perform arithmetic In this section, we will learn how to perform arithmetic operations in Prometheus. The resulting average request latency graph should look like this: But what should we do when the tags do not match exactly on both sides? If you try to divide one by the other to reach the average CPU usage percentage of each of the three modes, the query will not produce any output: BAD! How to install Prometheus with Docker on Ubuntu How to install Ruby on Ubuntu How to install Memcached on Ubuntu How to install Java on Ubuntu How to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu How to install Elasticsearch on Ubuntu How to install Nginx on Ubuntu How to install Apache on Ubuntu How to install Git on Ubuntu How to install Node.

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